Kindred Funds Gambling Education At Rangers FC
In recent sporting news, it has been reported that the Kindred Group are now funding gambling awareness sessions for Rangers FC. These sessions will be designed to help both players and staff understand problem gaming and gambling, and offer techniques and skills in order to manage their own gambling.
This is something that the kindred group are dedicated towards, as they have a policy of moving towards 0% of gambling revenue coming from problem gambling.
Sports Players And Gambling
This move will not be a surprise to anyone who follows sports closely, as many past and present sporting stars have spoken out about their problems with gambling. Right now, around 6.1% of professional sports players are considered to be problem gamblers. While that is a high percentage, it’s also worth considering that problem gambling is an issue over most of the population. You will see the issue often in young men who partake in gambling. As such, tackling the issue with professional sports players who have influence over their fans is a positive move.
This has been taken into accounts when creating these gambling protection sessions for Rangers FC. Input from past and present sports stars who have suffered with problem gambling has been used, with some of them contributing directly to the sessions.
How The Training Will Work
While the main details of the training have not been released, Kindred Group have shown that they will tailor their training with the team in mind, as well as the individuals involved. They are also teaming up with EPIC Risk Management in order to deliver this training and ensure it is the best it can be.
The training will be available to everyone who works at the club, so anyone who may be experiencing problem gambling should be able to get help.
Why Target Footballers?
For some, they may wonder why footballers themselves are being targeted with this education, when problem gambling does happen all over the population. It can feel rather odd, as those at the top of their field are being paid large amounts to play. Those who are not involved in the sport may wonder why sports stars would feel the need to gamble, when they are already making great money.
According to UK Rehab, it’s often not about the money at all. If someone involved with a sport is gambling, it can often be for the thrill of beating the bookie, or beating the odds themselves. It can quite easily become an addiction, and like with any addiction eventually addicted people will be taking part not because they enjoy it, but because they feel they have to.
As such, if somebody is not gambling and has an addiction, they can often start experiencing depression and other mental health issues. By tackling the gambling addiction itself, they can get help and beat the problem.
As mentioned above, as footballers have such influence over the general population, it’s important that they are educated on the issues with gambling. As such, they can avoid getting involved with problem gambling, and can spread the word about how others can get help should they ever need it.
Kindred Group And Their Zero % Mission
For those in the know about the gambling industry, they will be aware that Kindred Group owns nine different gambling brands currently and many rank above the top betting sites in Ireland. That includes some big names like UniBet and Red Casino. Why would they be funding education about problem gambling, when they do make profit on it?
The group currently have a policy called ‘Zero % Mission’, which is what they are funding the Rangers FC training under. This policy aims to fully reduce the amount of profit made from problem gambling down to 0%.
They have this policy as they aim to be able to benefit their members and communities, so those that do use their products can do so safely. Funding training for groups such as Rangers FC is a high-profile way of doing so.
This is the first time that a Scottish football team have been assisted in problem gambling in this way. As such, the hope is that it will have a positive impact on both Rangers FC and their fans.